Monday 28 October 2013

I Went To Malia.

After finishing school I went with my friendies to Malia for a nice quiet time.. I have never been so drunk in my life - it was hilarious. We went to Herossinos which had its own strip and was ten minutes away from Malia itself so we had a blast, naturally. I was full on knackered when I got back like, but I definitely want another get away with my girls next year!
Yes I'm Holding an Onion Ring.


Paint Partaayy

I luk ugly and don't tan well #dontjudge

I Got a Hairbraid

I Got a Henna and Don't Work at Clarks

We Had All Inclusive Drinks - I'd Deffo Recommend This

I'm Not Leaving Leavers Ball.

So all my friends and I celebrated the end of our schools lives back in May. However for me it was a I'm not leaving Leavers Ball as I resat the year. It was so lovely to dress up and then smash town with the teachers. Not gonna lie it was quite emotionally for me to think about my friends all growing up and leaving to uni. As I am just too much of an individual I went not in a lovely sparkly dress but in my own version of a tailored suit with red accessories. I think it turned out rather nice - I got both the leggings and the Jacket from Zara as they had some proper nice stuff in store. Plus it gives me chance to wear a dress for my actual leavers do net year, wooh!

Could Not Walk in These Shoes - Well Nice Though!

Extra Excited on the Bus.

Beautiful no?

My Gorgeous Prom Date.

My 2013 Life in a Nutshell.

So I have been very naughty in not keeping this blog up to date this whole busy year, so I deeply apologise for being so silly. In truth my year has consisted of going to gigs, partying with friends and going to Sixth Form like a good student should. Here are many images summing up my 2013 life in a nutshell..

Good Art Student Me

Trying (and Failing) to Learn Spanish, lol

Cut My Bands Off :(

Passed Me Driving Test a While Ago But Still Take the Bus

Love Train journeys with the Fam

Posey Bathtime - I Never Take Baths

Kate Nashhhhhhh

This Summer was Lushhhh!

Me and the Brother are so silly

Drinks with the Boyf

Can U Tell I'm DrUnK

Leeds Fest 2013 was mint and wet and muddy

I turned 19 - I'm so old..

I also saw my Bestie Ellie Goulding in October

OMG New Favourite Band - Haim

Miss My Friends So Much Since They Went To Uni :((

Sunday 2 December 2012

I Keep Forgetting to Write..

Oopsiees, it has been a fair while since I wrote, yet again! I keep forgetting to write.. I guess Sixth Form, work and parties are taking over my life so much I have little time for anything else really. But never fret because not too much has happened in my life for you to be particularly interested in apart from party,party,party work,work,work, these few photos are from one of my besties eighteenth which was so much fun! I cheekily borrowed one of her own dresses(heheh) and glammed up for a night I hope she won't forget! In her house there was a strobe and a UV light, it was sooo amazing and felt like she had a nightclub in her back room, I thought having work the next day would be hard but I was surprisingly upbeat for it! Some alcohol may have still been in the system(hahah)
Birthday girl in the middle there, love these two!
Hey ladiessss
Drunk? Never..

Awh love Annabellyy
No words really..

If I were a lesbian I'd choose you
I guess being at Sixth Form is alright I shouldn't really complain if I chose to resit the year and stay longer.. I love seeing my friends everyday and having a reet larrf. In November we had Charity Week which happens every year and the school raises money for charities in York. It consists of cake stalls hosted by year sevens and eights, then staff sumo which is always so funny to see them fight against each other. The reigning champion Mr Hardwell won yet again this year, this has been his title for about four years(hahah) in the end myself and Laura were allowed to try on the costumes and fight each other. When I say "allowed" I mean we put the costumes on and belly flopped into each other before anyone could say otherwise. Then on the final day of the week Sixth Form and teachers get to dress up to a certain theme, and the lower school come iN non-uniform with a donation. This year the theme was Best of British and I came as Big Ben, I have to say that my costume was mint, because it was!! I couldn't walk and could hardly see, but it was definitely worth it after two days of making..

Definitely the best costume ever..

Sunday 28 October 2012

Party, Party, Party!!

I love parties very much and this half term has not disappointed me. A lot of alcohol has been consumed and I'm not even sorry, muhahah. I've had such an amazing start to the school year and hopefully it will carry on this way, I mean all the 18ths have just begun! And we've yet for Halloween and Christmas where I'm sure the parties will be amazinggg!
Let the 18ths roleeee!
Party, Party, Party!
My Besties!X
Loving Nandos! We look like right tits..
Sometimes a girly birthday meal is so lovely! This was a great evening and I want to do it againnn!

The first Halloween party for me was last weekend, I definitely love dressing up had such a good night with my bestiess! Despite ending up in a bath.. Passed out.. I had a brill time, I shall live and learn! Ahahaa.