Monday 28 October 2013

My 2013 Life in a Nutshell.

So I have been very naughty in not keeping this blog up to date this whole busy year, so I deeply apologise for being so silly. In truth my year has consisted of going to gigs, partying with friends and going to Sixth Form like a good student should. Here are many images summing up my 2013 life in a nutshell..

Good Art Student Me

Trying (and Failing) to Learn Spanish, lol

Cut My Bands Off :(

Passed Me Driving Test a While Ago But Still Take the Bus

Love Train journeys with the Fam

Posey Bathtime - I Never Take Baths

Kate Nashhhhhhh

This Summer was Lushhhh!

Me and the Brother are so silly

Drinks with the Boyf

Can U Tell I'm DrUnK

Leeds Fest 2013 was mint and wet and muddy

I turned 19 - I'm so old..

I also saw my Bestie Ellie Goulding in October

OMG New Favourite Band - Haim

Miss My Friends So Much Since They Went To Uni :((

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