Saturday 12 May 2012

Nandos Virginity.

So not really been too busy with the blogging front as AS Level exams are looming, only a couple more weeks then I am free of the craziness and have 2 weeks wonderfully off, bliss! However study leave has granted some good times so far, revising at Laura's has been fun, and Nandos yesterday was fun! I've never been before so it was like I was losing my Nandos virginity, and I tell you what, I didn't even have chicken.. Yes I know, shocking. Then again maybe next time when money is more on my side, haha. I did manage to take a few photos but they weren't the most serious, then again serious isn't my favourite thing to be.
For now though things have to be serious and I have to knuckle down and study, oh the joys that will bring..

This is Love.

Practise photo for the light, but I kinda like it, girl band 2012? haha

Funny one this.

Sorry, I cut off her head..
Angry photo, grr.

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