Thursday 17 May 2012

What even are exams?!

So the past few days have had my brain going wild, so far I have done three of my six AS Level exams and it has been tough. Its exactly like I knew it would be with a little added stress a few minutes before the exam.Its like, what even are exams?! I guess the revision sessions with my girls have been fun and definitely worth the last minute cramming! Also another Nandos trip to celebrate the end of English Literature, I swear I'm going to become a regular. I wouldn't have got through History on Tuesday with the last minute knowledge I had in my head, haha. Though I only have three left then two and a half weeks thankfully off! It'll party and relax time, I proper cannot wait. Exams are only the finish to a really quick year and man, its gone fast, I can wait for my A Levels but I know they will sneak up on me really quick. I've also found my speech and grammar and going steadily downhill, its actually scary! So apologies for any misspelled words but I do use auto-correct, haha. Keep smiling for exams. What's the worst that could happen?!
Keep Calm and Carry On.

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