Sunday 8 July 2012


So had a real cute weekend involving a BBQ at my mums friends house. They have a an amazzing house and gardens so there was lots of chance to explore and look around. A band called the Peacock Suits played some classic tunes and we enjoyed a good dance, recreating some of Jenna Marbles dance moves. If you don't know who I'm talking about then follow this link and have a giggle. 
We camped last night and I really enjoyed it! I haven't been camping in a while and forgot how much I missed it.. It got me excited for Leeds Festival though as that is a camping experience and not 'alf, it's only in like 45 days or something! Eep! We were lucky with the weather last night so fingers crossed for Leeds, not too much rain pweeze!
I enjoyed getting my Dr Martens dirty, they are well and truly christened now and comfy, best buy I think! I want the camper van that Annabel is photographed with, best start saving.. Might plan a camping weekend soon, loved getting my hands dirty!


My girl Annabel and my bro Charlie

In the morning I know you're gonna be alright

Our Dr Martens!!

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