Monday 2 July 2012

Posters and Leaflets and Magazine Cuttings.

This past week has been a little busy. I had another early five am start on friday to go to the Nottingham open day which I enjoyed very much! The campus is b-e-a-utiful, and the sunny day enhanced all the greenery to make it look a dream! My mum and I sat eating ice creams at midday looking around just taking in the fabulous architecture, indeed it was a successful day and better than Edinburgh. On the train back I had much more hope!
This fuzzy image is of the Nottingham Prospectus.. For more info go to their website!
Thought I'd explain a little of what it in the background, I find a bedroom can say a lot about a person. If it is bear then it's obvious that the person does not spend much time in their room. I however live in mine!! Its my own personal space where I can relax and do whatever! There are many posters and photos and leaflets and magazine cuttings on my walls, makes me feel more comfortable (its one reason why I take so many free magazines!!
This was taken a whiillee ago but shows the other side of my room, well part of it!

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