Saturday 21 July 2012

Schools Out!

So finally school has ended and I only have one year left. Its crazy to think that this time next year I will have no more schooling years. Only university; but hey, that's by choice and said to be some of the best years of a person life. Can't be too bad right?! It feels so good to think.. Schools out! My summer will genuinely consist of work, seeing friends, partying, holiday, partying and LEEDS FESTIVAL. Honestly cannot wait for it and I have been counting down like a ninja.. its so close, I need to start thinking about clothes, food and booze! It will be the highlight of my year and I will probably cry when its over. Only been waiting a year for it! Its gonna be an awesome summer of peace which is exactly what I want. I'll be making my annual school resolutions in August that I never kept to.. but its always good to think you have a plan in life.
Hopefully this summer won't go too fast for me and let me enjoy the last summer before I turn 18.. its coming so fast I almost don't want to grow up. That's right there's a teddy in the background #babyIknow.  How funny of me..
Poseyy like that..

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