Saturday 14 July 2012

Today Was Not A Photogenic Day.

Cannot lie nothing much has happened this past week that is worth posting, but I felt the need to just update the page a bit as last weeks post was indeed last week! Spent most of my pennies on a Topshop order off the internet, it was really fast delivery so I would recommend using it! Though I got all upset when my large rear didn't fit into one pair of shorts.. I never like getting the next size up, it never makes a girl feel good! At least the rest was perfect.. Money well spent!
I told you this post was gonna be pointless but there you go..
Well excited for the summer holidays though! It's gonna be nice having a break and relaxing and chilling with le friends! The last week of school/college is always a drain with nothing really to do!? Its like, we can watch films at home..?? I guess it'll be goodbye to year 12 and hello to Senior Year babyyy! Top of the shop. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone and that I only have one school year left, its craazyyy. But I honestly cannot wait to go to University and going to Open Days makes me really excited for the future. Hopefully I'll still be able to act like a kid and have my fun, I miss the days where I could put bowls on my head and look cute. Now I just look drunk.. oh how days have past..
P.S. two months until my birthday and I'll be 18!!! Yeahh Boy!!
honestly, today was not a photogenic day, and I got cross..

little meee! (saves me taking photos, ahaa)

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