Monday 18 June 2012

The B-E-A-U-Tiful city that is Edinburgh.

On Friday the 15th my mother and I went on our travels on an early start (5a.m.!!!) all the way up to the b-e-a-u-tiful city that is Edinburgh. I went to the university open day to experience and see what there was to offer. Apart from the horrid rain that came allll day it was good and definitely showed me my options. After getting mini-lost on the way we managed to miss the first talk but that gave us time to catch our breath and to wonder about the place and find out way around. Its a really lovely university not far at all from Princes' Street (the highstreet) and a lovely city location. IF I have the privileged of getting into that university my life will be MADE. But I do love others places too so my options are still open and other open days are booked. Though it was an early start, a lot of walking and a long day, I 'd say it was a success! Also today I passed my theory test for driving, it put me in a good mood as I have failed once before. Passing things always gives me hope for the future. Fingers crossed I do well in my exams to get me into a great uni!!
Breakie time!

Me and mum always manage to pick the quiet coach when we ain't!! haha.

Edinburgh station.

Edinburgh Olympic-ness!

Loved it, yet it was soooo wet!

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