Wednesday 6 June 2012

BBQ & Jubilee-ing!

Over the past glorious few weeks I have really wanted a BBQ, I love sausages and burgers fresh from the grill. Though the weather wasn't at its best we managed to stay outside the whole time and not be rained on! Unlike my Aunties Jubilee BBQ which had us all take cover in her garage, lucky that its big and there was drink so no one noticed! Watching the Jubilee over the past few days and the Concert on Monday night made me real proud to be British! We are so lucky to have a monarch like our Queenie.. And we will definitely be lucky when we have young William and Kate on the thrown! All the bunting and flag waving is excellent. I can't believe my weeks off are coming to an end and I have to go back to school again soon.. what will that be like?! After all the relaxing and doing nothing, the BBQ's and the Jubilee-ing it will be back to sixth-form life (of course with drinks and girly get togethers mixed inbetween! By the way, I know this was a reallyyy cheesy post! Haha.

Ev'rybody in the shot.

One of the many failed shots I took!

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