Monday 11 June 2012

Make Me Smarterrr!

So after having a few lovely weeks off over study leave and after my exams I went back to school to begin my A Levels, which is really scary! It was actually a really good day, though, with all the new information and not seeing many people in a while, it felt like it was September and we were starting a whole new year. I have found this is going to be my dream year for me because the topics of my subjects are beaut! Not many people would say the same, and most will think I'm crazy but it really encourages me if I like the subject and what it has involved. For example, in English I was given Birdsong as one of my novels to study, it did make me squeal with excitement as I loved the program when it was on the BBC so I am excited to read this and wonder why I haven't before?! When it comes to reading I'm really peculiar when it comes to books; they have to have a deep story line that has a small twist at the end. Though I do admit that I read some crap! Hopefully this year will widen my perspective to enjoy more literature, and make me smarterrrr (one can hope, right?) I'm just excited that this year will be enjoyable for me and, fingers crossed, I will work harder.
Inspire me!
P.S. I do have a blanket round me on this photo, but I like to be comfortable, and I forgot to take it off..

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