Friday 8 June 2012

iTunes-ing it Out.

I need to seriously update my iTunes on my laptop, meaning importing EVERY CD I own and re-download other songs.. argh. I thought it wouldn't take long, I mean I have about six hours today before I go out so I thought it would be done. That was before my laptop decided to uninstall iTunes and make me re-install <frustrating> then its taking a while for each CD. Funtimes iTunes-ing it out. At least it gives me time to paint my nails and get sorted for tonight ect..
This is a lot..
Also it gives me time to watch Jenna Marbles on youtube! She is so funny and a good watch, I would recommend for you to watch her. It also taught me to not be so serious on my blog.. its there to be fun and be like mee! Awesome stuff. Here's her link below..

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