Monday 30 April 2012


Have to admit today has been a pretty mint day. London baby! Early start to London this morning with the Politics class at seven, definitely too early making me hyper. Not a good sign when there are other business folk on the train with us. I didn't seem to notice though, I had a great trip with the girles and managed not to get lost or loose the gang on the tube. To make the day even more fun we all acted like uber-tourists taking pictures at all the attractions, Big Ben, Telephone boxes etc.. It was so much fun.
Maybe the actual going into Westminster and the Supreme Court was maybe a little more tedious than expected but with the rest of the day eating sweets and giggling everything was worth it! Even meeting a minor celeb on the train home made everyone's day, well the girls at least! The Made in Chelsea star didn't know what hit him, haha, it was great and definitely was our conversation for the two hour journey back!

I look scary in this photo, I know.

Hey girlls!

Harry Potter fans!
We were so lucky with the weather too! Seventeen degrees was practically tropical, I wish it were here to stay but unfortunately it was a once in a blue moon day. We're in a drought apparently! I cannot wait until Summer until the weather is better, at least warmer I hope, fingers crossed! The sun always puts people in good moods and makes the days seem better especially at school. Summer 2012, gonna be a goodun'.

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