Friday 13 April 2012

A new day

So the second day comes around of my new blogging obsession. All night I've been thinking of what I can do to enhance my ideas in the blog. It's so exciting being able to write literally what I would like and what appeals to me. I realise I still haven't put any recent photographs up of myself! It is because I am hardly photogenic like all the other beautiful bloggers out there; but my aim is to try my best and see what images are made. I have taken my brothers camera as it is waay better than my own (meaning it works.)

My family are back from their trip up North which I accompanied them for a few if the days. It was nice to come home, have peace and enjoy time with my friends who I have not seen over Easter. It's funny how school gives you a holiday to rest and work yet the time goes by so fast and the two weeks of gorgeous Easter holiday are gone!

I so enjoyed my girly catch up last night, it was cute!
No make-up but my girls are beaut! Love being crazy and weird.

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